Caroline Bertheau D.N.
Naturopathic doctor in Saint-Raphaël

Naturopathy session with Caroline Bertheau

As previously mentioned, our normal state is one of full health. Naturopathy consists in identifying and eliminating anything that might disrupt our body's proper functioning, and restoring it to a state of harmony, using gentle techniques and non-toxic substances.

Session sequence

An exchange

At your very first appointment, I'll spend around 30 minutes actively listening to you, called an anamnesis. This exchange will enable me to establish your vitality balance, and learn about your lifestyle and hygiene, all valuable information for identifying your problems. 


I will then carry out an initial treatment, based on kinesiology, useful in understanding the origin of the disorders and choosing a personal therapeutic protocol for the second part of the treatment.

Without cracking, twisting or jerking, this second part of the treatment can be manual or traditional Chinese energetic. It will reinforce the structural rebalancing of your body, essential on the way back to homeostasis.

My recommendations

I can also recommend trace elements, dietary supplements, phytotherapy, gemmotherapy or homeopathy. Everything will be done to accompany your body towards restoration, with telephone follow-up between appointments if necessary.

Complementing allopathic medicine

Naturopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine are effective for the following problems:

  • Joint and muscle pain (arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, etc.)
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Genital disorders in men and women
  • Imbalances in the digestive, circulatory and nervous systems
  • Neuralgia (paralysis, sciatica, etc.)
  • Skin problems (acne, shingles, eczema, etc.)
  • ENT problems
  • Psychosomatic and psycho-emotional disorders
  • Side-effects associated with heavy treatments (chemotherapy, radiotherapy)

What's more, these natural medicines are particularly relevant when used as a preventive measure for your well-being. They can prevent the onset of a pathological process due to the weakness of your terrain, age, seasons or genetic predisposition.

Consultations under professional secrecy

Note: Non-physician naturopaths are not qualified to diagnose - i.e. to identify a disease based on signs and symptoms. Diagnosis" (i.e. determining the condition) should not be confused with "identifying causes and triggers" (i.e. determining why the condition is present).

Under no circumstances should a naturopathic consultation replace a doctor's consultation.

Naturopathy in Saint Raphaël

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