Caroline Bertheau D.N.
Naturopathic doctor in Saint-Raphaël
Naturopathy in Saint-Raphaël

Caroline Bertheau, your naturopath in Saint-Raphaël

Thanks to an inquisitive and forward-thinking grandfather who was a homeopath and dowser, our whole family was treated with natural medicine, acupuncture and chiropractic.

Very early on, I was convinced of the benefits of this non-invasive medicine, which encompasses different techniques and is always based on individualization and the incredible power of our bodies.

I had discovered my vocation: to become a Naturopathic Doctor!

Even if it meant leaving my family and France, where the course is still not offered.

Passionate, in all the richness and beauty of the term, eager to acquire as much knowledge and techniques as possible capable of enabling me to improve my health and help my fellow man, I studied relentlessly for 16 years:

Medicine, naturopathy (homeopathy, phytotherapy, oligotherapy, Chinese energetics, etc.) and kinesiology in Canada, astropsychology in London, Heilpraktiker in Switzerland and finally Chinese medicine in Paris for 4 years.

Today, I am a Doctor of Naturopathy (Canada), Heilpraktiker (Switzerland) and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Why naturopathy?

Naturopathy is able to look at the patient as a whole, not just as a symptom. The heilpraktiker is also a naturopath, a hygienist, and his vision of health changes everything!

Naturopathy, as it is taught across the Atlantic, offers so many possibilities, so many teachings, natural techniques, better known as: phytotherapy, oligotherapy, homeopathy, dietetics and manual techniques such as kinesiology or cranio sacral. It was this plurality that attracted me!

Member of the following associations

Association of Naturopathic Therapists of Quebec

International Professional Association of Natural Medicine Therapists Inc.

Professional Association of Heilpraktikers - APH

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